Мое хобби – My hobby
Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste – you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.
The most popular hobby group is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to traveling and from chess to volleyball. Gardening is one of the oldest man’s hobbies. It is well-know fact that the English are very found of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are found of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular. Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing
Costumes, handicrafts and others. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments.
Firstly, it helps get out of depression and raise our spirits. For instance, you have been frustrated. But if you have a favourite occupation, while passing the time you are getting involved in the process and gradually forgeting about the previous failure.
As it is known, this is an exellent way of entertainment after an unsuccessful experience, as your attention is fully concentrated on the thing you are doing.
Secondly, a hobby can also help choose a career path for the future. For example, when doing sport you understand that you can not live without it and this is your natural rate. Such people usually become professional sportsmen,
Apart from that, it refers to other spheres of activity. To conclude, hobby is not only a way of calming down and relaxing, but also it can be a useful experiment for your future job.
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