The official name of our country is the Russian Federation. The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow. It is the third largest city in the world where about 10 million people live.
It is situated in the middle of the European part of our country.
Russia is a presidential republic; it means that the Head of State is the President. The president is elected every four years at nation-wide votings. One and the same person cannot be a candidate for the President more than two times without a break.
The President controls the three power branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial.
The president appoints the Prime Minister, the Head of the Government, and the Prime-Minister should appoint all the Ministers for his cabinet which is the top of the executive power in Russia. Every Minister before he would be employed in the Cabinet should be introduced to the Federal Assembly.
The Federal Assembly is the Parliament of the Russian Federation.
First, such a document should be introduced to the both chambers of the Russian Parliament. Only if the chambers have admitted the document it will be introduced to the President. He has the right to sing or to veto the document.
There are similar structures of the executive power in every region of our country.
The judicial power is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Arbitration Tribunal and other courts. Such judicial system guarantees citizens of Russia the right to be judged fairly.
The state symbols of the Russian Federation are a banner and a coat of arms.
The banner consists of three horizontal stripes – they are white, blue and red. The white colour symbolizes the peace, the pureness and
The red colour is the symbol for the energy, the power and the memory of all the blood which was lost during many wars for our Fatherland.
The Russian coat of arms had been changed many times during the last century, as well as the state banner. Now the re is a golden double – headed eagle on the red field. Above the eagle ‘ s heads there three crowns symbolizing the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. The eagle is holding a sceptre and an orb – the old symbols of the state power and unity. In the centre of the coat of arms one can see a horseman striking a dragon.
This is George the Victor, who is considered to be the saint protector of Russia.