СПОЛУЧЕНЕ КОРОЛІВСТВО ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНІЇ І ПІВНІЧНОЇ ІРЛАНДІЇ. Великобританія багата на вугілля, залізо, руду й інші мінеральні ресурси. Це одна з провідних країн світу.
У неї високорозвинена автомобільна., суднобудівна, текстильна, хімічна та електронна промисловість, що зосереджена в таких містах як Лондон, Глазго, Манчестер, Ліверпуль і Ньюкастл. Великобританія відома також виробництвом шерсті. Англійська шерсть експортується до багатьох країн світу. Північна Ірландія – одна з найбідніших областей Сполученого Королівства.
THE INDUSTRY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND. Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in’ the North Sea. It is one of the leading countries in the world.
Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. It has highly developed motor-car, ship-building, textile, chemical and electronics industries. New industries have been developed in the last three decades. The main
Industrial centres are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgo, Bristol, Newcastle. Great Britain is also famous for its woollen industry. English wool is exported to many countries. Northern Ireland is one of the poorest regions of the United Kingdom. It has shi pbuilding, textile and chemical industries which are
The other parts of Northern Ireland are agricultural.
Word List icon ore – залізна руда vast – величезний, великий deposits – поклади decade – десятиліття
GREAT BRITAIN. I have just returned from the trip to Great Britain.. I’d like to tell you that I’ve had a good time there. The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Their total area is over 244,000 sq. km. Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland.
It borders on the Irish. Republic in the south. The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts: England, Wales and Scotland. The Thames is the deepest and the longest of the British rivers.
Some of the British greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey, Tyne, Clyde and Bristol Avon.
Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.
The warm currents of the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. Winters are not severely cold and summers are rarely hot. The population of the United Kingdom is over 56 million people.
The main nationalities are: English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants from former British Asian and African colonies. rest Britain is a highly industrialized country. New industries have been developed in the last three decades. The main industrial centres are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.
The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy.