Я действительно люблю изучать английский – I really enjoy learning English
First of all I’d like to say that each of us has his own most important and memorable events during his life. And they stay with us forever, I believe. We keep them deep in our hearts and we can’t imagine our past, present and future life without them.
As for me, it is learning English, of course. Do you want to know how it all began? The first time I heard English was when I was only four. My mother worked as a teacher at school specialized in
Foreign languages and she often took me with her. Once I met a very kind and friendly woman there, I’d rather say a lady. She really looked like the English Queen (I saw her photos in books). The “Queen” smiled at me and greeted me in some other strange language. “Hello, darling! You’ve got such pretty dimples in your cheeks and look like a real angel”, she said.
I didn’t understand anything, of course, but her words sounded like music to my ears and I thought, “I’ll
Two years passed and I became a first former. That was the most exciting and happiest day in my life. On the one hand, I was awfully afraid of everybody and everything. On the other hand, I was so happy to feel myself a pupil
With a new rucksack behind my back and all those nice bright books and other school things in it. I made many new friends with my classmates and what’s more, I met “my English Queen” again and I learnt she was going to teach me English. I was really lucky.
Lubov Ivanovna became my English teacher, my favourite teacher, to be exact. I respect her and love her so dearly. I am sure she’s the best teacher in the world.
All pupils say she has the heart of gold and she is always kind to us. No wonder, her name is Lubov, “Love” in English, and that’s not by chance. She really loves her job, her pupils and her subject, of course.
Everybody says she puts her heart and soul in everything she does. It’s no surprising that practically all her pupils are
Fond of English and
Personally I’m very happy to learn English and take part in different English – language competitions. Luckily, I have some diplomas and prizes and even a real medal for the third place in the Youth English championship. Thanks to my English teacher I’m interested in languages and can’t imagine my life without learning them.
All my relatives and friends say that I’m just crazy about English and I don’t object to it. I recite English poems at my Mum’s birthday, sing English songs at school parties and act out English
Dialogues for my Granny. And I do it with great pleasure. But the best thing for me is when I can please my English teacher with a good answer at the lesson.
I wish you could see her shining eyes when she listens to us. It’s real happiness to get an excellent mark in English and to hear my teacher’s sincere praise and see her open smile on the face. When my classmates like each other’s answers they usually clap their hands and we all feel very pleased.
They say, “Teachers’ success depends on their pupils’ achievements”, and that’s true. Thus, my English teacher’s school leavers try to follow their favourite teacher in many ways. They enter Teacher’s Colleges and Institutes and study languages. They often come to school to see their teacher and tell her about their progress in life and studies.
They send her postcards and e – mail letters from all over the world.
If only you could see our English study. It’ so comfortable and professionally designed with stands devoted to English – speaking countries. There are lots of photos of her school – leavers who visited different foreign countries and sent many pictures of the sightseeing to Lubov Ivanovna. I should add there is one more stand with a lot of pupils’ creative works in our English study. We like it most of all.
The teacher keeps all our reports, poems, translations and illustrations, compositions and numerous diplomas we have got at different English contests, competitions, Olympiads and festivals. The classroom is never empty: there are always pupils and other English teachers in it discussing some new contest and speaking English, of course.
And finally I’d like to share my sacred desire with you. I want my favourite teacher to be always healthy and work at our school for many years giving her pupils not only perfect English lessons but also the lessons of love and kindness. I wish she could see all those wonderful places she tells us about so passionately with her own eyes some day.
My teacher really deserves it.
And my other dream is to enter the Moscow State University. I am only in sixth grade now but I strongly believe that I’ll connect my future life to foreign languages and take up the profession of an interpreter or a diplomat. Frankly speaking, it won’t be easy, I think, but if I have loving parents and wise highly qualified teachers, like my favourite English teacher, it’ll be no problem at all.
I promise to try my bestto become a perfect specialist and a good person, of course, so that my parents and teachers could be proud of.
Everybody has a hobby And we have a common one: English does attract us More than sweets or chewing gum. And it’s great fun! Learning English, learning English That’s the hobby that we share.
We are fond of learning English Which is spoken everywhere.