David and Michael

Last summer David and Michael decided to go on a camping holiday. They packed their rucksacks and divided the communal equipment. They found an excellent place for camping. They pitched their tent in good

Newcomers from Mars

Today we know that there is no life on Mars. But we found it out not long ago when our rockets had been sent to that planet. For a long time many people thought

Famous People of Russia

Much was done by people to reach the present state of human development. It is necessary to say that great contribution to the development of the world science and culture, literature, music and painting

З англіської мови Voting in Ukraine. Голосування в Україні

Політична влада в Україні розділена на три галузі: виконавчу, законодавчу і судову. Верховна Рада, український парламент, є вищим законодавчим органом. Виконавча влада в Україні належить Президенту. І Президент, і члени Верховної Ради обираються. Вибори

Why Was She So Frightened?

Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work in his spare time and during his holidays to pay for his education. In spite of this, he managed


In an industry that was deeply influenced by a group of women artists from the 1890s onward, only one woman survived the conglomeration of the industry in the late 1920s to direct during the

Lois Weber

While Griffith labored on his epic films, other figures, both in the United States and abroad, were making their mark in the industry. Lois Weber, in particular, deserves attention. Born in 1881 in Allegheny,

Политическая система Австралии – Political System of Australia

Австралия – конституционная монархия, с королевой Великобритании во главе государства. Она состоит из шести штатов и двух территорий. Представителем королевы является генерал-губернатор, который назначается правительством Австралии. Генерал-губернатор назначает членов исполнительного совета, его совещательного кабинета.

Обычаи и традиции в США – American Customs and Traditions

У каждой нации свои обычаи и традиции, свой стиль жизни. В Европе есть люди, которые прожили в своем доме и проработали на одной работе 20, 30 или больше лет. Но это не американский стиль

My future profession

What I would like to become? This question pasels me greatly. Every job has its elements of difficulties and interest. I think that nearly all the professions are very important in life. But to