Genetically modified food. Pro and con
Nowadays a problem of genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. People worry about their health and the health of descendants, because GM is considered to be very harmful. Along with disadvantages there are advantages, too.
On the one hand, genetically modified food can help humanity to survive. Scientists predict population of our planet to reach 11 billion people and to feed everyone will be critical problem number 1. Firstly, all of sorts of GM plants are stable against illnesses and mean weather. Secondly, they ripenfast and keep longer than usual plants.
It can be quite first-rate, because basically soils aren’t so good and the climate is unpredictable. For instance, thus a large number of people who live in Africa will be able to feed their children.
On the other hand, GM food can destroy all of our population. To begin with, genetically modified food brings about allergic illnesses. A lot of people have already had the disturbed metabolism. Moreover, more than half of the people suppose GM food is very harmful and nasty.
Because of these many of them are suffering from adiposity. They eat only GM food, as their stomach is used to eat it.
In conclusion, I believe GM food will save the situation of great famine, since our population is mushrooming.
I find it necessary to add that you can find genetically modified food in our usual food, because even in our region of vast farmlands we lack organic food.
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